0944 86 22 66 Tiếng Việt

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Translation of specialized documents

The translator must not only use advanced knowledge of grammar and vocabulary but also exact terminology so that his/her translation may be considered a professional translation. has classified fields and translation languages to provide customers with professionalism in expertise management as well as translation quality. With the experience of a professional translation company, would like to contribute to the success of your company/ Agency in the field of translation and interpretation.

Translation fields at

+ Medical and pharmaceutical materials
+ Technical documents
+ Marketing materials
+ Financial documents
+ Legal - Administrative documents
+ Culture, education, sport, social politics

With each field, has its own translators. In addition to the language capacity and translation skills,’s translators are proficient in their expertise. Moreover, after the translation is finalized, it will be reviewed and edited by the leading experts to ensure that the translation to customers is of the highest quality.

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